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Winter Brew Day

Sometimes you’ve got to make your own fun…

And today, after a long, dry hiatus, 20MinuteJim and the Boy did.

Jim had taken a temporary vow of not-brewing in order to devote energy to wrapping up some home improvement projects. While one has to admire that sort of self-less self-denial, one’s spouse also might start to miss the dependable presence of home brew. Eventually, the supplies ran low.

Thank heavens for project completion, for New Year’s resolutions, for day’s off and the boundless of energy of the young, i.e. the Boy (cuz those big pots of steaming mash are heavy!) Today the house smelled like a brewery– and I loved it!

Now the yeast is pitched, the pots are washed, and the spent mash is in the compost. Let the count down to new brew begin!

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