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More Thoughts on Rain Barrels

Maybe you’ve been having rain barrel dreams too. In that case, I have three suggestions on how to go about acquiring one.

1. Perhaps, like us, you are lucky enough to live in a progressive town that might sponsor a rain barrel program. Investigate and see if a rain barrel program is available in your area or is being planned. If not, you might encourage local city council members to sponsor a rain barrel program. Our town is one of many who purchased rain barrels from RainbarrelUSA. Our city got a good deal on a bulk purchase and passed the savings on to individuals.

2. Make your own. If you are aware of issues like safety and usability, there’s no reason why you couldn’t make your own rain barrel out of a very large food grade barrel and accessories like a spigot and overflow values. Exams of projects can be found here and here and here. Let us know how your rain barrel turns out!

3. Purchase a rain barrel. Your local gardening or big box hardware probably stocks rain barrels in a range of styles of prices. Or consult Amazon, where rain barrels of various styles and capacities are available. Some models have free shipping too.

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