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A Gentle Awakening

I had a good chuckle about this so I thought I’d share.

I had several days off work around the holidays and usually, I’m filled with a fair amount of dread at the prospect of going back to work. However, last Sunday, I had a little nap in the afternoon and woke up feeling quite peaceful. I thought to myself “It’s the last day of vacation which means tomorrow, you’ll be going back to work.”

And then I realized that I really wasn’t stressed out by the prospect. I said “Well, you know, when it all comes down to it, what’s so bad about work? I really enjoy working with plants.” I could actually see the long vines roping the greenhouse and leaves wider than the span of my hand.

But then I realized “Hold it, you mostly work with computers, don’t you? Hardly at all with plants.”

And finally I realized that I actually work ONLY with computers. I’m still chuckling about that drowsy thought process.

So though I don’t work with plants especially around this time of year, it IS however the perfect time to curl up with a cup of tea and leaf through the seed catalogs. This imaginary gardening is some of the best because whole crops can sprout and grow to fruition… and be replaced with other crops, over and over. I suspect that this whimsy is what prompted my dream in the first place.

Posted in • Sitting Still.