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Today’s Garden Twenty: First Bed Planted!

It’s too early to plant, I know that, but we did anyway. The days have been gloriously beautiful. I was able to convince myself that the phrase “average last frost date” must mean that, at least sometimes, the last frost is MUCH earlier. Plus we know a trick or two to keep Jack Frost away. Continued…

Posted in • Growing.

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Today’s Garden Twenty: The Consolation of a Garden

Today’s weather was a light drizzle, bright but overcast. I spent my “garden 20” walking around the drowsy beds in my Sunday-go-to-meeting suit, risking mud on my dress shoes. I just returned from a funeral for a friend of mine who took his own life last weekend. The tight curls of rhubarb are cresting through the surface. Snowdrops are flowering everywhere and nearby the first tentative spears of other bulbs are piercing the surface. I wish I could say that sense of new life provides some definitive answer to the strange ache I am carrying. I know my friend was in chronic pain and had been for several years. I don’t think there was any hope of a medical relief possible. He must have “done the math” and seen it was time to go. I can’t help but think he made a mistake in his calculations, though. That can’t be the right answer.

Why do we send flowers to funerals? Is there something about the transient glory of a bloom that reminds us to treasure life as a passing wonder and not to fixate too deeply on its departure? I never much cared for funeral arrangements–I thought they were waste of money, frankly, though my sister in law’s a florist. Don’t tell her I said that!– But standing in the garden today, thinking about my friend, I’m not so certain anymore. Maybe flowers ARE the most apt gift at that moment.

Plenty of tasks out here for me await my toil. The wind has pushed the leaf mulch off the beds. Rain falling from the barn roof has eroded away a small trench. Jan bought trilium bulbs that need to be buried. But honestly, I’m glad it’s too cold and wet to work. I needed to spend my minutes today just looking, just observing.

Posted in • Sitting Still.

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Today’s Garden Twenty: Mold!

I suspected that it wouldn’t work at least not as well as I’d dreamed. The sprouting trays I’d so carefully set up with clear plastic lids kept in enough moisture that the surface of some peat pots is now covered with a downy coating of mold. The good news however Continued…

Posted in • Growing.

Today’s Garden Twenty: Starting Seed and a Bit of Raking

Our neighbor gave us a big bag of seeds that she bought last year. They are all from Botanical Interests and most of the packages are certified organic. She had picked them up at the end of the season quite cheaply. I wasn’t going to start seedlings this year since I’m usually very pleased with the variety and quality available at our local Farmer’s Market but this bounty seemed like a good reason to try. Continued…

Posted in • Growing.

6 Garden Regrets that I’m not Fretting Too Much About

I experience the garden as a great place of forgiveness and opportunities for second chances. If I forget to plant cool weather crops in the spring, I have another chance in the fall. If I neglect to clear the beds in the fall (which I did!) they’ll still be there ready to be cleared out in the spring. There are consequences of course for non-action as well as to actions but life is too short to fret much about regrets such as these: Continued…

Posted in • Growing.

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