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DIY Cloches: A snake in the grass

What’s that? A snake in the garden??

No, it’s only the afore-mentioned cloche snake, Jim’s clever way of storing our homemade cloches. We hang the snake in the barn when not in use.

Posted in • Making.

Rhubarb Containers

When Jim’s parents house was going on the market several years back, Jim wanted to transplant some of the rhubarb from that yard to ours. The problem was where to put it. Jim thought he’d like rhubarb planted along side the barn, but that barn was quickly reaching the end of its lifespan. Wisely, he decided that the rhubarb shouldn’t be planted next to the old barn because it would surely die a horrible death in the creation of the new barn.

Posted in • Growing.

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Lilacs & Rain: Sweet Spring Scents

Just as I prepared to head out into the garden to do a block-leveling project, a light spring rain blew up. The skies darkened a little and, as I opened the door to estimate the storm’s power, the most amazing scents met me. Nothing smells as fresh a spring rain. Try as they might to capture the smell of “fresh,” makers of dryer sheets and air fresheners cannot match the delicious breeze that came in my door.


Posted in • Growing.

100 Year Old Lilac

old lilac

When Jim and I first moved into our house in 1982, we had an elderly neighbor living in the house to the south. She was highly opinionated, somewhat difficult, and rather bossy. She made it quite clear that she didn’t like the way I gardened. I might have been afraid of her if she wasn’t old and frail, and occasionally friendly. She’d lived in the neighborhood for 40 or 50 years and was a fount of information, stories and rumors. Continued…

Posted in • Growing.

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Currant Bush: Symbol of Hope and Forgiveness

Two years back, a colleague of Jim’s gave him a currant bush from her garden to transplant to our garden. Previously she’d been bemoaned the fact that she’d had currant bushes in her yard and no idea what to do with the currents they produced. Jim suggested that she make currant jelly, which she did, with rousing success. To reward Jim for his encouragement, she gave him an offshoot to plant in our yard.

We planted the tiny bush in the back part of the garden. Then, over the course of several weeks, we proceed to “weed” the little bugger out — not once, not twice– but three times. (One time was my fault, one time Jim’s, and the third I cannot recall.) As a gardener, there are few things more upsetting than suddenly recognizing the plant in your hand, the one that you’ve just tugged out of the ground. Amazingly enough, we did not kill the currant bush, although I must say we did a good job of discouraging it from growing very much that season.

Then we decided to build a new barn hazardously close to where our currant bush was planted so we had to move it. This time, we used a shovel and carefully transported the bush to a safe location.

Fast forward to the present time. Our current bush is thriving. Yes, thriving. In spite of our rather rough and unwelcoming start, our currant bush is full of buds and very much at home in our garden. I’ll need to get that recipe for current jelly.

Posted in • Growing.