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Bargain Sage

We picked up two more sage plants from the garden center last week. The herbs were 50% off so those are very hard to pass up. We’ve have good luck with herbs purchased from the “last chance” shelf, especially perennials; after they have a chance to settle in and grow, it’s hard to tell that they were once the runts of the litter. Continued…

Posted in • Growing.

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Real Gardeners Grow Roses

We’ve finally arrived at the rose garden stage of gardening. I used to think that only gardeners with a certain amount of experience and maturity could grow roses. It seems that we’ve arrived at this point, after 25 years of gardening, sort of by surprise– a little bit like the surprise one feels when one finally concedes that perhaps one is middle-aged. Hmmm…

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The House Versus The Garden

It’s the time of year when we could almost live in the garden. Almost. Certainly not when it’s raining and/or storming, which has happened quite a lot so far this summer. Not during the 10am until 2pm window, when pale Jim and even not-so-pale me would likely fry under the directly overhead sun. Or when the mosquitoes are bad, which they are this summer as a result of all the rain. But other than those times, we’d certainly like to be spending a lot more time outside in the garden.

Ripe Black Raspberries

If it wasn’t for the House.

Posted in • Cooking, • Growing.

Compost Experiment Day 2: Old Straw Hat

A quick peek in the composter reveals a slightly soggier but still fairly intact Old Straw Hat.

Old Straw Hat in the Compost

Patience, my pretty.

Posted in • Making.

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Compost Experiment: An Old Straw Hat

Jim’s straw gardening hat has seen better days.

Broken Straw Hat

Posted in • Making.

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