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How to Transform Left-over Pie Dough into Something Wonderful

In our family’s tradition, whenever you have scraps of dough left over from making pie, you make RolyPoly. Other people call them tuzzie muzzies, pinwheels, or gobblies, but in my family growing up, my grandmother called them RolyPoly. These little treats are popular with children and grown-ups alike. I remember with great delight when I was old enough to help make the RolyPoly. When kids are involved in the process, their even more delicious creations will be served with pride. Continued…

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Confessions of a Leaf Thief

It’s no secret that the style of gardening practiced by 20 Minute Jan and myself is highly mulch intensive. One of the drawbacks of this approach to gardening is that we’re nearly always on the prowl for mulch. This Spring for instance, we responded to an ecycle list posting for someone who was trying to get rid of 7 bales of straw. When we arrived we discovered that the straw was fully saturated with thawed snow water which made each bale weigh over 10,000 pounds each. At least that was our estimate. Still, we took every one! Continued…

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Treasures in the Ferns

Our part of Michigan enjoyed a rather balmy autumn after a couple chilly nights in September. This nice weather allowed 20 Minute Jan and I to enjoy a rather leisurely harvest and a prolonged period of putting the garden to bed for the winter.
One day’s task was to do something that I rarely perform though I’m told it’s important, namely to prune down the asparagus foliage. Continued…

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Failed Experiment = Compost Success

In July, I began an experiment to compost an old straw hat.

I had no doubt that the experiment would be successful. This summer, our compost tumbler was cooking at a pretty hot temperature most of the time.

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Grilled Eggplant Parmesan

It’s been a fantastic summer for eggplant in our garden. From our three plants, we’ve had a bounteous crop of eggplant– lovely, smooth, unblemished and unscathed by squirrels. We’ve had enough produce to make a couple batches of the spicy eggplant dip known as baba ganoush. The biggest discovery and delight this summer, however, has been Grilled Eggplant Parmesan.

Eggplant Parmesan on the Grill

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