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Gardens of Summers’ Past

There, that’s better!

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Cast Iron Lust: Two Things I Want

I have my eye on two pieces of cast iron cookware. Their presence in my kitchen would make my life more complete, I’m sure, but Jim and I are attempting to evaluate the intake of stuff in our lives, with an eye toward the future. That is certainly a challenge for us modern Americans, with our roomy houses, stockpiled stores, and shopping habits. We are trying to imagine living in a smaller space (it might happen sometime) and having only the essentials (which means defining what “the essentials” are).

Meanwhile, a girl can dream. Continued…

Posted in • Cooking.

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10 Garden Resolutions for 2009

Last year, I made a list of garden resolutions, but I didn’t make it public. This year, I am putting my list in writing. Perhaps this will help me follow-through on these excellent plans!

1. Stake everything.

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First Seed Catalog of the Season

Tomatoes on the vine
The catalog from Seeds of Change was the first this year to find its way into our mailbox. The 108-page booklet is full of lovely pictures and great tools as well as handy gardening advice and a fantastic selection of seeds.

Can spring be far behind? Continued…

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In the Bleak Mid-Winter

We are experiencing a serious winter in our part of Michigan this season. It’s only late December, and already the winter-we-have is approaching the awesome winters-of-childhood-memory in terms of cold and snow. I have said to Jimbo, inaccurately now it is revealed, that I would hazard that in the last two weeks, we have had every type of snow for which there is an Eskimo word. Continued…

Posted in • Making.

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