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Changes and Things to Do

Spring is upon us, bringing a sense of brooding excitement and steady change. For the last couple weeks, cold– both the temperature and the illness– has played havoc with our gardening plans. A snow storm, a snow day, lots of rain, and each of us suffering from 10 day plus worth of cold symptoms has meant little time outside.

Even so, change happens. Just observe.

Backyard in Spring

Backyard in Spring


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Spoils of Winter

The unexpected, late season snow storm that rewarded us with a Snow Day-off from school had a less generous effect on our 100 year old lilac (seen here in bloom).
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Think Spring! (But don’t put the shovel away yet!)

Ah, Michigan! Land of lakes and surprises! Just when we thought it was safe to start thinking about of digging and planting, whammo!

Snow Day April 6, 2008

Snow Day April 6, 2008

The upside is that we got a Snow Day from school. We spent the day resting and recharging, and that felt very good. The gift of a day off is always something for which to be thankful.

The last snow of the season seems to catch everyone by surprise, but we know it’s coming. When our son Will was just a baby, a friend with the same birthday told us that it always snows at least once after their birthday, which is April 4. It seemed impossible, yet 23 years have proven her statement: In Michigan at least, it always does snow at least once after April 4. The snow doesn’t always stick and very rarely does it merit a snow day, but snow is snow. And it’s here for just a little longer.

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A Tale of Two Appliances

To repair or replace?

That is the question we have to deal with when faced with a broken or worn-out appliance. In the age of planned obsolescence, it’s usually less expensive to replace an appliance rather than repair it. But what is the best thing to do?

We recently had to make decisions when two of our appliances went out of commission.
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Working Around the Garden, Literally

In southern Michigan, it’s still too wet and cold to start cultivating, that is to start disturbing the soil on any more than a very surface level. But I wasn’t going to stay inside on such a lovely day as this. Full sun. Warm enough that I could even stand in the breeze without a jacket. And plenty to do.

But if I couldn’t work IN the garden, I could still work AROUND the garden. Literally. Our beds are ringed by grass pathways and today’s task was to rake and straighten them up, sort of like making a nice frame for a painting. I know that later on in the year, I’ll ask myself why I bother to keep ANY lawn. The arguments against lawns are many: gas lawn mowers are noisy and are horrible polluters since they have no catalytic converters, lawns take too much water and more importantly, too much my precious time for upkeep. Plus, unless you’re a goat, you can’t eat it. (You can tell my biases right there!) Sometimes I’m tempted to dig it all up and plant a maze of asparagus. Or a path of low growing, fragrant herbs like mother of thyme so I’d be surrounded with scent when I strolled. Or any one of a number of even more whimsical ideas. The most practical reason I keep a lawn is to harvest the clippings which I find are a great source of nitrogen for the compost (and the “sheet compost” style of all over mulch that we practice.) And there is also the excuse, this early in the spring, that I can play around in the garden without ruining anything.

I collected three big bags of “material.” If I was a bird, it’s probably prime house building supplies: leaves, wind fallen sticks, the dried bits of last year’s weeds, the odd candy wrapper… Everything was decomposable apart from the candy wrappers, so I put it back behind the barn where we’re fighting an infestation of non-native bamboo. It’s a good natured feud we have with the bamboo that we’ve continued for… let’s see, over a decade. It’s retreated largely to our neighbor’s yard but every now and again, a sprout pops up in our yard so we remain ever vigilant with a thick coat of mulch.

Raking up the lawn makes the place look like a garden again. The edges of the beds are more defined. The lawn is a more neutral color and texture, like a good picture frame, which allows attention to be focused on the beds. I discovered several new arrivals. The daffodils (or are they “paper whites?”) that we’ve naturalized in our front yard have made a determined showing with their spear like foliage. The clumps of tiny snow drops that I mentioned before are now all in bloom. Also in bloom are the purple cups of the croci, tucked in and around the stones. Still no word from the asparagus, that slumbers in the cool soil but there were two profuse eruptions of rhubarb. My mouth waters at the thought of the season’s first rhubarb pie, especially when I consider it’s just a couple weeks away. There’s also a good stand of garlic chives.

So I spent my 20 minutes today with a rake in my hand. Then I spent a good 20 more poking around under the mulch. Soon, very soon, I’ll be getting my hands dirty again.

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