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DIY: Ceramic Planter Tray

Believe it or not, this is the best thing I made in the Rec & Ed Ceramics class that 20minuteJim and I took last year.

You might be wondering “Why?” as well as “What the heck is that?

Posted in • Making.

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Fire-Brewed Porter

I grew up in the Detroit area and heard much made of Stroh’s “fire-brewed” beer. Now that I make my own beer, I realize that this claim was far less exotic than it seemed, but ever since I got the woodstove, I’ve wanted to attempt a batch of beer on it. Last Sunday afternoon the weather was beautiful, and brewing seemed like the perfect excuse to stay outside. I had *most* of the ingredients for this recipe, but I figured since this was an experimental batch anyway a bit of careful variation would be tolerated.


Posted in • Cooking, • Green Home Brewing.

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Imported used to mean something, she says in her most curmudgeonly tone of voice…

Posted in • Sitting Still.

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Recipe: Egg Foo Young

To be very upfront: our Egg Foo Young is probably not a very authentic recipe. Then again, I don’t know that Egg Foo Young really counts as an authentic Chinese dish.

All that aside, Egg Foo Young, as we’ve come to make it, is a delicious, handy, easy and healthy meal. We like it best without the gravy or sauce that sometimes accompanies it.

Our Egg Foo Young starts with a jar full of homegrown mung bean sprouts. When the jar is filled, it’s time to make Egg Foo Young.

Posted in • Cooking.

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Fish on Friday: Saint Albert the Great, Dearborn Heights, MI

The “gold standard” for Lenten fish dinners is St. Albert the Great, at least in my humble, yet correct, opinion. True, sentiment might play a role. I ate my first Lenten fish dinner at St. Albert’s, lo some five years ago when my sister- and brother-in-law invited us to tag along, and every year during the short season of Lent, Jan and I always return “home” at least once. Tonight was our most recent visit, and we were not disappointed.

St. Albert the Great in Dearborn Heights, MI


Posted in • Local Happenings.

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