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Compost Experiment: SunChips Compostable Bag

We don’t bring a lot of snacks and chips into the house because we generally find them irresistible. Still, we do indulge from time to time in potato chips, corn chips and SunChips. Recently at the big grocery store, I found SunChips offered in a 100% compostable bag. This product innovation was news to me since we don’t usually watch broadcast television or read the sorts of magazines in which their advertisements might appear. Because we like SunChips and because I like compost experiments, I bought a bag. Soon enough, we had an empty bag and I had yet another compost experiment.

SunChips Compostable Bag-- Day 1


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Pale Fire Ale – Another Fire-Brew Experiment

(20-Minute Jim) I hadn’t planned on brewing today mostly because the forecast I had seen called for temps in the 40’s and precipitation in various formats. I was pleasantly surprised by a nearly sunny morning, but by the time I really started to believe the weather and not the weatherman, it was already 1:00 PM. Not too late too brew.


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Indoor Gardening: The Question of Houseplants

I don’t consider myself a “houseplant person,” although for as long as I can remember, we’ve always had some plants living inside with us. Inspired by the post at Mr. MrGregor’s Daughter and the envelope which arrived in the mail this week, I decided to take a Houseplant Census as well.

African Violet in Bloom


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Fish on Friday: Saint Sebastian, Dearborn Heights, MI

(20 Minute Jim) “Wholesome” is the word I’d use if I had to sum up the Lenten Fish Fry at St. Sebastian’s in Dearborn, MI. And if I was describing just the operation, I might even say “efficient.” St. Sebastian, I learned, is the patron saint of athletes so it seemed particularly fitting that the meal was served in the gymnasium/lunchroom of the parish school. Near the ceiling, the room was ringed with home-made banners featuring, presumably of the other Catholic schools that St. Sebastian plays.


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Sweetwaters & Coffee Grounds for Garden Goodness

One of our local coffee shops, Sweetwaters, does a nifty, generous, earth-loving thing on a regular basis.

Sweetwaters packages up the used coffee grounds in the large bags that their beans come in and puts them out for customers to take home to feed their gardens, indoor plants, or compost piles. Whenever we see a bag or two available, we are happy to pick them up and bring them home. Coffee grounds and paper filters break down pretty fast and are excellent additions to our compost piles.

We drink coffee at home too, and we habitually put the grounds in our compost. For a while, I was organized and conscientious enough to bring home grounds from the coffee hour at church too. Imagine if people made the effort to practice in their institutions, like school and work and church, the good habits they undertake at home, like recycling, reducing, reusing… and composting. Like all “little” bits of change and effort, the effect adds up. We need to be watching for ways to make our own small contributions. The opportunities are out there; we just need to notice them and then make habits of them.

And to acknowledge small acts of kindness, like Sweetwaters taking care of the earth by not putting coffee ground into the landfill wast system and instead taking the time to package up those grounds “for garden goodness,” as they put it.

Thanks, Sweetwaters!

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