Need a break? Want to watch someone else do the work!
Here are some local Honey Bees doing the hard work of pollinating our squash blossoms.
Need a break? Want to watch someone else do the work!
Here are some local Honey Bees doing the hard work of pollinating our squash blossoms.
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– January 22, 2013
Winter is long is Michigan. It feels especially long this week. Mid-January is when the cold gets serious, and although the sun shines quite brightly at times and the days are already getting longer, the sun isn’t doing much to provide warmth. We humans are inside a lot of the time, and even then the air feels chilly.
Our indoor plants take on a special glow when they are the only thing growing.
Here’s my cheery, beautiful double pink African violet.
Last March, I stood at a booth at the Taylor Garden Clubs Growing Great Gardens conference and debated about whether I needed another African violet. One of my gardening friends encouraged me to pick one out to take home. She said, “Every time you look at the plant, you’ll remember what a wonderful day we had at the conference.”
It was a simple purchase which has come to mean more as the year has gone by. My friend was right: every time I see or water the plant, I think of that day and of my gardening friends.
Now, in the dark cold days of January, the pink blossoms that remind me of growth and hope. Hang in there. Spring is coming.
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– January 21, 2013
Need a spot of green and pink to brighten your day?
Hang in there! Spring is coming!
Posted in • Growing.
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– January 12, 2013
In this gardening off-season, planning and dreaming are some of the most productive work that gardeners can do. Resolutions is such a serious word, full of weight and responsibility. Goals seems a more appropriate word for garden dreams. Here, in no particular order, are my top ten goals for 2013.
1. Plant something new in the garden.
This is a perennial garden goal, and one of the best things about being a gardener. I’m always discovering or reading about new plants or varieties that I want to try. Every garden season brings new opportunities to experiment and learn.
2. Stop and smell the roses. And also take better care of them.
I’d been a lazy, lucky rose gardener up until the summer of 2012, when one of our sweet rose bushes fried up from too much sun and not enough water. In retrospect, I should have been paying more attention and giving all the roses both more TLC and water. This season, I will do better.
3. Learn more about fertilizer.
As organic gardeners, we’ve tended to skip over fertilizers altogether. Fertilizers just haven’t been our thing. I’m learning that some plants, like roses (see #2 above), should get fertilized. Fertilizers used incorrectly in the wrong amounts or at the wrong times are wasteful or dangerous, so I plan to learn more about how to use them properly, according to the best practices.
4. Study bees.
Might a beehive be in our future? Possibly. Meanwhile, I need to learn more about them. There are plenty of books, but I’ve also found apiarists to be among the most generous teachers. I need to hang out more with them, and there are plenty of local opportunities to do so.
5. Attract more butterflies.
Butterflies are beautiful creatures as well as effective pollinators. We have coneflower, Joe Pye weed, and sunflowers, which are reputed to attract butterflies, but we could do some research and add more plants that are especially appealing to butterflies.
6. Make even better use of the herbs.
I’m always pleased with whatever I manage to dry and otherwise preserve, and I enjoy using them so much. There’s always room for improvement however in making the most of the herbal harvest.
7. Take more pictures along the way.
We do take a lot of pictures; it seems like I take them all the time. Yet when I’m flipping through my files looking for a particular picture, it’s often not there. I’d like to get in the habit of taking some pictures every week at least, so I can compare the growth of the plants and keep better records throughout the season.
8. Stake up everything.
This goal appears on all of my gardening lists. The sturdy little seedlings of spring invariably grow long and lean, and the rough winds of a Michigan May do shake them. I have to remind myself to give my plants a fighting chance to keep growing the entire season.
9. Plant a second season crop.
In the past, I’ve been semi-successful with planting a second crop of lettuces in the past. Last year, I tried planting a second crop of peas, but I didn’t get them in as early as I should have; I aimed for August, but planted in September — not early enough for the plants to produce peas. Again, there’s this year to do a better job.
10. Blog more regularly.
Amid the daily busyness, including gardening, making time to write is always a challenge. It’s an activity that gives me a great deal of joy, however, and that I hope to improve upon in the year to come.
What are your gardening goals for 2013?
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– January 9, 2013
The best trick I know for creating great meals is to start with great ingrediants. Jan and I stayed home this year and busied ourselves in the kitchen.
First course was brussel sprouts with heavy cream and bleu cheese which is a recipe we call “How to Take a Vegetable that’s Basically Very Healthy and Make it… DELICIOUS!”
Our next course was smoked oysters, dried green beans and bottle of Bell’s Double Cream Stout. Smoked oysters are a family tradition in my family. I remember buying a tin of them when I was a child then being too freaked out by their color to eat any. My Irish gramma ate them with a grin and wink. The dried beans are a special treat, both crunchy and oddly sweet.
Main course was a plate of grilled scallops and fresh pasta tossed with a bit of olive oil, some dried oregano and some of those home smoked jalapeño flakes Jan made a couple months ago. The beverage for this course was a barrel-aged cherry stout. The vanilla notes from the bourbon barrel and the tartness of the cherries was a perfect complement to the sweet scallops and the peppery smoke of the pasta.
We have three more bottles of specialty stouts that I’ve kept in the cellar for a special occasion as well as an ice box sized watermelon and chestnuts to roast… but frankly, I can’t imagine eating much more until next year.
Posted in • Cooking.
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– December 31, 2012