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Snowdrops and the End of Winter

They aren’t called “Snowdrops” for nothing. Galanthus are the first flowers to arrive on the scene and one of my favorites because of their early appearance.

Snowdrops coming up in the yard amid snow

What a winter we have had in Michigan: record-setting snowfalls, unusually deep cold spells, and a bumper crop of snow days. Winter is always a frozen, suspended time here; this one has pushed a lot of people’s limits.

And yet, spring. We know it’s coming. It’s just a matter of time and patience, of waiting and looking for small signs: a robin, a melt, a snowdrop.

Snowdrops always surprise me. We still have snow on the ground– nothing compared to what we have had!– but winter hasn’t completely surrendered, even this late in March. When the snowdrops appear, I know that spring really cannot be far behind.

Posted in • Growing.

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