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Friday Photo: “Anemone”


I often joke that if I can’t eat it, I don’t know how to grow it. To a great extent, that’s true but there is one part of the 20MinuteGarden that we’ve devoted to flowers, specifically perennials. It gets a fair amount of sun… and the smallest share of our attention since it’s on the south side of our house. The greatest part of perennials is that once they get established, they often benefit from dividing. What’s so great about that? Dividing an over grown perennial helps it grow better (I think–see that previous comment I started with) and you’ve got something to give away or trade with other gardeners. We’ve acquired most of our perennial flowers through this gift economy and one of the loveliest is the Anemone. Nope, not the one that lives under the sea. These pink blooms are about the size of a half dollar and they pop up every August. The other benefit to tucking these flowers away from the “working” part of the garden is that these blossoms always seem surprises.

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