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Happy Cukes

20 Minute Jim says: The up-side of all this rain is that our cucumbers are VERY happy. I’ve already made 3 quarts of refrigerator pickles – with an experimental low-sugar recipe – and numerous batches of tzatziki.

I pick them when they’re 6 to 8 inches long, maybe 2 inches in diameter. They tend to get bitter as they get bigger. My daughter said that this year’s cukes even tasted “sweet” though I am not 100% certain she was referring to their flavor. It might be some kind of young person lingo for approval.

Our experiment with growing cucumbers vertically has paid off, at least so far. Eight plants take up about 16 square feet though they are reaching upward to about 5 feet tall now. They’ve reached the top of the cages… I’ll report back what happens when they continue to grow throughout August!

Posted in • Growing.

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