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Spirea Explosion

Our spirea bushes were absolutely beautiful this year. Their long arched branches were loaded with thousands of small white blossoms spilling down like veils. When we worked in the garden last weekend, Jim weeded along the south side of the house; after he worked under the bushes, he emerged with dozens of tiny, white petals covering his hair and his shoulders, looking ever so much like snowflakes.

It was a banner year for spirea, but you’ll have to take my word for that.

Every day when I left the house or returned, I thought about how I wanted to get some pictures of the spirea while they were in bloom. I didn’t, however, hurry off to get the camera and actually TAKE the pictures I’d planned to.

We had a hard rain on Wednesday night, the drops hitting the roof loudly enough to wake us from our slumbers. In the morning, we discovered that the rain had knocked most of the blossoms from the spirea bushes and created soggy little petals drifts on the now-happily green grass. The spirea have returned to their mostly green state so I’ll have to wait until next year for a picture or pillage last year’s files.

So ends the lesson against procrastination.

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  1. Spirea Tour 2010 | Our Twenty Minute Kitchen Garden linked to this post on May 7, 2010

    […] the spirea blossoms staying attached to the bushes. I’m glad I photographed them when I did; last year, I wasn’t so lucky. 2010, however, proved […]