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When is a Quarter Bigger than a Half?

Or how can being 1/4 from finished make you feel less than halfway done?

Or… forget it!

The point is that our beaten-up center circle garden needed to be reclaimed from the ravenges of renovation. At the start of spring, I was overwhelmed by the task of getting the whole bed cleaned up and re-dug before we could begin to plant our garden.  Instead, Jim wisely pointed out that the whole bed didn’t need to be fixed before some of it could be planted.  Aha, so simple a temporary solution!  So we planted several sections with tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, beans, and snowpeas.

For reasons obvious to anyone who is part of a partnership, the completion of the bed too a little longer than expected.  It seems there was a difference of opinion of how best to go about the task.  The unfinished quarter section of the bed loomed larger than its size.

As Jim eloquently noted a few days back, we overcame of differences of opinion and strategy, and together finished resetting the edging and brick, turning the soil and planting our remaining sets.

The garden circle no longer looks half finished.  It feels complete.

Posted in • Growing.